Benton Robert Fraser, born 19 September 1963
Citizenship: Canadian. Permanent Resident of U.S.A.

Ireland Cancer Center, University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Academic Education

M.Phil. 1991 (Pathology), Sackler Institute, New York University, New York, NY
M.S. 1987 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics), Columbia University, New York, NY
B.S. 1985 (Chemistry and Mathematics), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Awards and Honours

1989-1991 NIH Fellowship, Synthesis of Large Polypeptides and "Reporter" Amino
                         Acids, Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Science, New York University,
                         New York, NY
1985-1987 Fellow of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University
1985 Graduated summa cum laude with honours in Chemistry, Cornell University
1981-1985 P. Trudeau Foundation Scholarship, Cornell University

Appointments and Professional Activities

1993 - present Grants Officer, Ireland Cancer Center, University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
1992-1993 Research Assistant, Gairdner Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1989-1991 NIH Fellowship, Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Science, New York University, New York, NY


Cahill A, Korolev I, Roberts G, and Fraser B. (1991) Beta amyloid induces neuritic dystrophy in vitro: similarities with Alzheimer disease pathology. NeuroReport, 3:769-772.

Roberts G and Fraser B. (1991) "The structure and activity of a monomeric interferon-: -chain receptor signaling complex. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 19:261-268.

Possible mechanisms of intracellular destruction of amyloid plaques in neurodegenerative diseases and the aged brain. Protein Science 11: 2345-2361.

Emmons J, Comrie M, Sundin M, Grier M, von Arxe R, & Fraser B. (1990) "Ternary complex between placental lactogen and the extracellular domain of the prolactin receptor." Nature Structural Biology 7 (9): 808-815.

Cahill A, Roberts G and Fraser B. (1990) The 2.0 Å crystal structure of bovine interferon-: Assessment of the structural differences between species. Acta Crystallographica Section D 56:14-24.

Druken H, Linden T, Cahill A, and Fraser B. (1989) Biosynthetic phage display: a novel protein engineering tool combining chemical and genetic diversity. Chemistry & Biology 7:263-74.

Cahill A, Linden T, Roberts G, Fraser B & Korolev I. (1989) Probing intermolecular backbone H-bonding in serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. Chemistry & Biology 6:419-427.

Schastlivy P, Koivu S, Ward JA, Petrovicky R, and Fraser B. (1988) Crystal structures of bovine chymotrysin and trypsin complexed to the inhibitor domain of Alzheimer's amyloid b-protein precursor (APPI) and basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI): Engineering of inhibitors with altered specificities. Protein Science 6: 1806-1824.

McEachern S and Fraser B. (1988) A comparison of neutron diffraction and molecular dynamics structures: Hydroxyl group and water molecule orientations in trypsin. J. Mol. Biol. 250: 553-570.
Smyth R, Jagr J, von Arxe R, and Fraser B. (1987) The X-ray structure of a growth hormone-prolactin receptor complex. Nature 372: 478-481.

Von Arxe R, Jagr J, and Fraser B. (1986) Human growth hormone and extracellular domain
of its receptor: Crystal structure of the complex. Science 255: 306-312.

Teaching Experience
1986: Lab instructor (General Microbiology, Virology), Columbia University
1987: Lab instructor (Microbial Genetics, Biophysics), Columbia University
1989-90: Lab instructor (Medical Microbiology ), Sackler Institute, New York University
1991: Small groups instructor (Molecular Genetics) Sackler Institute, New York University